
Jutta Kreyenberg (TSTA-O)

Conference: Saturday, October 28th, 10:45 - 18:00

The theoretical fundament of Introvision was the question of how acute conflicts and mental blocks may be resolved in a practical manner – and by the participants themselves. To that end, the method has been constructed in a way that the necessary inner attitude of mindfulness or so called “constative, attentive perception” (CAP) . Mindfulness in this context is understood as an inner attitude that is generated by a state of broad perception that enables you to experience your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the here and now without judging or intervening in any way.

This inner attitude of a broad, non-judgmental and non-intrusive perception is crucial for practicing Introvision: to resolve an imperative, it is necessary to eliminate the respective linked alarm. The alarm is triggered by a very specific sentence, which is threatening the imperative in question and in turn generates an internal conflict. This inner conflict is perceived as mental, emotional and/or physical excitement, which might take the form of circular thoughts, fear, anger, sadness, increased heart rates, heavy breathing, abdominal cramping, to name but a view reactions. The key is to simply perceive this in order to clear the alarm. This method is perfectly suited both for business coaching as well as for life coaching.

In the workshop, participants will be given an overview over the model of “Introvision” and how it works, exercises to experience CAP (mindfulness), a plenary supervision demonstrating how to identify and eliminate the alarm,
a proposal for further training.