A Relational TA Approach to Panic Attacks

Cristina Petrescu (PTSTA-P)

Conference: Saturday, October 28th, 14:15 - 18:00

Panic attacks are frequently met in the psychiatric and non-psychiatric fields. Clients themselves instinctively develop a mechanism of coping with panic attacks: control over the situation “when and where” the panic attacks occur. Effects of this mechanism of coping are a diminished social life, dependency on someone else, and an increase in the frequency of panic attacks. In this workshop I propose a relational TA approach to panic attacks, with diagnosis and treatment of these symptoms’ causes. A correct diagnosis of the condition that causes panic attacks is crucial. TA concepts, philosophy, and practice may offer viable solutions in solving health problems that cause panic attacks. Theory presentation, examples, experience sharing, and exercises will support participants to understand, practice and learn about this topic.